ISSN stands for International Standard Serial Number, a unique identifier assigned to serial publications, such as magazines, scholarly journals, newspapers, and annual reports. The ISSN provides a standardized way to identify and communicate information about a particular publication, including its title, publisher, and country of origin.
The ISSN is an eight-digit number divided into two groups of four digits each, separated by a hyphen. The first group identifies the country of origin, while the second group identifies the publication itself. For example, the ISSN for the Journal of the American Medical Association is 0098-7484.
The ISSN is important because it helps distinguish between different publications with similar titles and ensures that accurate bibliographic information is provided for cataloging and indexing purposes. The International ISSN Centre carries out ISSN registration, responsible for assigning and maintaining ISSN records.
Why is ISSN Used for?
The ISSN identifies and distinguishes between serial publications, such as magazines, scholarly journals, newspapers, and annual reports. The primary purpose of the ISSN is to provide a standardized way to identify and communicate information about a particular publication, including its title, publisher, and country of origin.
The ISSN is used by librarians, publishers, and other information professionals to ensure that accurate bibliographic information is provided for cataloging and indexing purposes. The ISSN is also used to facilitate interlibrary loan and document delivery services and to track and manage serial subscriptions and holdings.
In addition to its practical applications, the ISSN is used to promote and raise awareness of serial publications and facilitate international cooperation and exchange among libraries, publishers, and other information providers. Overall, the ISSN plays an important role in the effective management and dissemination of serial publications, helping to ensure that they are properly identified, accessed, and preserved for future generations.